
Amazon Teams With Fresh Nation On Farmers Market Direct Delivery

Amazon_FreshNation.55e86027ce651Amazon has rolled out its new Farmers Market Direct program in Southern California, in partnership with Fresh Nation, an online food delivery service based in Stamford, Conn., that launched in 2013, according to The Los Angeles Times.

Fresh Nation has begun delivering farmers market products through Amazon in Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego counties. Amazon is trying the service first in the Southland and will expand to New York City in a few weeks before deciding whether to roll it out elsewhere.

Fresh Nation is the brainchild of Tony Lee, who took a break from a career in e-commerce to manage a farmers market in his hometown of Danbury, Conn., and then fell in love with the business. Lee said he spent about a year creating a huge database of farmers markets and vendors across the country, which provided the backbone to the start-up’s supply chain.

Read more here.

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